Module LM35 Sensor Suhu Temperature Thermal Analog Sensor for Arduino


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Deskripsi Module LM35 Sensor Suhu Temperature Thermal Analog Sensor
Sensor Suhu Linear Analog dengan Chip LM35
Sudah berikut PCB Break out board + pin dan kabel dupont.
Lebih simple dalam penggunaan dan wiring dibanding dengan LM35 satuan/tanpa breakout.LM35 FeaturesCalibrated directly in o Celsius (Centigrade)
Linear + 10.0 mV/oC scale factor
0.5oC accuracy guaranteeable (at +25oC)
Rated for full −55o to +150oC range
Suitable for remote applications
Low cost due to wafer-level trimming
Operates from 4 to 30 volts
Less than 60 µA current drain
Low self-heating, 0.08oC in still air
Nonlinearity only ±1⁄4oC typical
Low impedance output, 0.1 Ω



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